5 Best Places to Add Keywords in Your Blog Posts (2019)

If you’re new to blogging or have been writing for some time then you’ve probably come across the issue of not knowing exactly where to always place your Target keywords in your articles.

In this article, I will be highlighting 5 best places to Add your keywords in any blog post.


5 Best Places to Add Keywords in Your Blog Posts For Beginners

  1. Headings & Sub-headings
  2. First & last paragraph
  3. Meta-Description & Title
  4. Images Alts
  5. URL



Headings & Subheadings

In terms of SEO Hierarchy, headings are the first part of your article a search engine robot would crawl through.

This being said, it is common sense to add your targeted keywords here.

Another reason for this is Google’s Question and Answer FAQs.

When you create a heading and provide a solution to the problem stated in the heading, Google indexes your site and considers all these headings.

Now, when someone searches for that same problem, they are presented with either a Snippet Box of that Heading and the solution or a FAQ

This increases traffic and Clickthrough rate in the long run as well as rank you better.



First And Last Paragraph

This is the next spot to consider adding Keywords.

When a visitor clicks a link to your article, the first paragraph is actually what they go through first, why?

To be sure that the article is really about what they thought.

Adding the keywords of the article here is crucial to ensure your visitors know what the rest of your article is going to be about.

You should clearly state what the article is going to be about and what you stand to gain from reading it with your keywords added naturally.


As for the last paragraph, use your keyword as part of the closing remark.

I.e ” I hope you learned about Keyword here from this article, if you have additional questions please, don’t hesitate to ask in the comment section below.”



Meta – Description

Now, if you blog on any of the two major blogging platforms (WordPress or Blogger), then you should already be familiar with the Meta Description and Meta Title Fields.

On Blogger, it is inbuilt and is located at the right-hand side of your Post/Page Editor.

Whereas in WordPress, you would need an additional SEO plugin like Yoast to add the functionality.

The Meta section ( Title & Description ) is the small snippet your visitors will see whenever they come across your article via a search engine results.

A bad Meta can Really impact your Rankings negatively, that’s why it’s advised to make sure you have the perfect summary of your entire article + your keyword properly added.


Simply put, if you don’t add your keyword in the Meta, get ready to lose potential traffic as your article ( no matter how good it seems ) might not that well on Google.


Image Alternate Tag

Did you know that whenever you add an image without an Alt Text, Search engines consider that image as a Decoration?

Yup, you’re just decorating your articles if you think Alt tags are not important.

Google Image search alone generates more than 10% of the traffic I receive here on my site daily, why?

I always add Keywords to each image I use on my Articles.

I.e ” Image showing how to make money in Nigeria” is a good Alt for a make money-focused Article.

Add Keywords to Images, Period.




And the last but most important place you should always add your keywords is in your Blog Post’s URL.

There are two reasons for this.

  1. To help potential visitors understand what the article is about from just a link
  2. To increase SEO

If you have a bad URL containing numbers or something like this


Then google will penalize you compared to someone with the same article but with this URL


So, always make sure your URL is clean and contains your keywords.

Don’t make them too long and also make sure you avoid stop words.



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Read Also: Get Any Nigerian Blog Approved by Google AdSense – Easy Tricks


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