Living in Nigeria – Reasons why Nigeria is a better place to live

So Amazingly, there are many ways Nigeria is better than foreign country. But most people think foreign is a best home, which is totally wrong.
Below are 6 genuine reason why Nigeria is a better place to live than foreign.
Immigration law
Racial discrimination
Custom and Culture differences
Freedom of speech and movement Tax levy differences.
Security threat to non indigene.

In case you’re thinking of relocating from Nigeria to Foreign country, as a Nigerian i want you to consider the following points of view before taking any steps.

Though, am not discouraging you from achieving your dream but I’d like to share you some reasonable point which is very crucial to your well-being. But before i dive into the main point let me quickly share you some experience.

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I was with my lecturer one day, he told me there’s a time he was hired as a visiting lecturer in USA. As he was about going back from lecture hall to his room at the hotel he lodged to, someone came across his way and greeted him very well.

In appearance he dress like a road scrubber but he is a Nigerian, the person told him he’s one of his students then in university of Ilorin. Without wssting time the lecturer asked him never to greet him again. Saying “you’re a type that useless Nigerian certificate in foreign country, it is better for to work as conductor serving your country than serving eyinbo” In your own view what did you think about the short story, the professor feel him self?

Quietly No, he’s just trying to encourage the young man to always value the resources God gave him (Certificate) Imagine, have you ever see oyinbo people doing this type of job in Nigeria. This is so ridiculous.. So now I’ll be giving you my points on the topic: why Nigeria is a better place to live than foreign country

Immigration law

A lot of people don’t really know what immigration law really is in foreign country.  It is a must for you to have correct immigration documents, if you don’t have it you’re not safe. And once they detect your documents are not valid they will depot you instantly. While in Nigeria this law is not very strict. Even alot of Foreigners sneaked in to Nigeria illegally and they still move around without them getting arrested/harassed. The second point here is;

Racial Discrimination

Here, what we meant by racial discrimination is just that most of the foreign countries there are always a differentiation between the black and the White people (Nigerian and foreigners) and they give priority most to their white people. You can never see why a Nigerian will be their Director general or even heading the uniform officers. While sort of things are not happening in Nigeria once you have citizen certificate and you’re qualify for the post you would be given/select. But eyinbo people always consider their children for a professional job than giving it out to a Nigerian, so you rarely secure a good professional job in foreign country except for maid, servant and domestic workers. The third point is ;

Custom and culture differences

Nigeria culture is totally different from foreign country culture, so it is not advisable to practice their culture because its not endearing to Nigerian. For example in United kingdom (US) the pattern children use to greet their parent is totally different from Nigeria’s own. A child can just wake up in the morning and say ‘morning mom‘ while on standing but in 9ja you woke up and kneel down for morning prayer from your parent another one ‘hi dad’ with handshake. Who born you well in Nigeria. Also you’re not allowed to beat your children at all, if you do so you might land in jail. Where as in Nigeria you can beat, and beat your children and even give them hard punishment though beating idea is not advisable. The fourth point;

Freedom of speech and movement

If you’re a Nigerian in foreign country you only have a restricted place you can move to. And also there are limitations to your utterances. It is not like Nigeria where by Politician shades on government, you can’t just utter hate speech to their government. If you try such in foreign country you will surely land in jail or option of fine. Advantage of staying in Nigeria here is that you can move to ant length even the white people staying in naija have access to any place. Its a reasons why our politician that has embezzled Nigeria wealth staying in foreign country for not long period of time. It’s because there would be no recognition for them like we do in Nigeria. They only gp there to rest and still resurface when election is approaching. My fifth point is ;

Tax Levy differences

There’s heavy taxation in foreign country compare to Nigeria. It is not easy for a common person to accumulate wealth. The common richer you become the more tax you pay. That’s why you see all this footballers running from one team to another. Its a must for you to pay tax if you reside in US, even its a Big offense for you to refuse paying tax. They may jail you for not paying tax.  But in Nigeria tax levy has limit The last point;

Security Threat to non- indigenes

Yes, in foreign countries there is a suspicious to every moving about of non indigene. There is a tendency that security agents can harass/ challenge you at any time, any where. Which is not done in Nigeria. Also if anything happens the first suspect will be Nigerian. I think with the aforementioned points, you’re able to grab some vital information. Thanks for reading, I’m Toshmoney. Don’t forget to come back for another life vital information

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