Get Any Nigerian Blog Approved by Google AdSense – Easy Tricks

This is a trick I came up with a while back to get your Blog approved by Google AdSense easily, this is a guaranteed to work out no matter what niche your trying to incorporate AdSense into ( provided its legal).

No long story, I’ll go straight to the point.

This method of getting your blog approved by adsense easily works best for new Nigerian Blogs than older ones, but it works just as well for old blogs.

How to get approved By Google AdSense Easily for New Nigerian Blogs

First things first, Forget about your Niche. Yes, Forget about your niche, just pretend as though you don’t have a niche for now.

Now Google AdSense approves two kinds of posts

  1. Relevant and Educative Articles
  2. News and Informative Articles.

Now the truth is creating content that is relevant and Educative according to google AdSense standard might be harder than you think except your already a pro writer.

Note: One bad article can cause a Disapproval.



Visit any News site, A good enough one I.e Techcrunch if your Domain name is obviously Tech related, or BBC for sports or other niches.

If your domain name is obviously a niche passed one then get News articles related to that niche to avoid confusing the Adsense Staff who will review your site.


Now visit the news blog and select 10 – 13 newly published articles.

You will have to completely rewrite them with a very similar Post title, make sure you follow the exact structure of the article and don’t try to be creative.

You can get stock images from Pexels or if it involves individuals then u can do a quick wikipedia search and get a free to use image.

Publish these 13 posts and try your best to drive as much traffic as possible, traffic shows relevance of a post as well as affects ranking.

Another thing you need to do is create Fake comments or get a few of your friends to help you out by commenting on each of these articles.

At the end of the day you have good content with comments and little traffic to show relevance.

Before you rush ahead and apply they’re are few things you should also have in place.

After you have all these in place you can go ahead and apply.

I guarantee you an approval if you follow these steps except you don’t do a few things right ( I.e using copyrighted images)

I have used this for a lot of my personal blogs as well as those of my clients

How to get approved By Google AdSense Easily for Old Nigerian Blogs

Now you do the same approach but with a few extra steps, if you already have an existing blog then chances are you already have a lot of “Relevant content” laughs but truth be told you won’t be approved with that.


Trash Everything. Yeah you heard me right.
You don’t have to delete your posts permanently, just trash them until you get approved.


You rankings will not be affected though you may experience slight traffic drop but yeah, what good is content that you can’t earn from.

Google will not de-index your articles also, it takes months to de-index an entire blog’s content.

I had this client with 900+ articles and he wanted AdSense so bad, 400+ of these articles were Copy and pasted from authority Blogs and that was simply the issue.

So I trashed everything and Followed the initial steps and the blog got approved 3 days later.

After which I simply unthrashed all his 900+ plagiarized articles that brings in about 10,000 page views a week.

Now his earning and doing more copy and paste daily ( AdSense might ban him but hey )

So that’s it folks, this is the strategy I’ve been using to make money myself, I actually charge clients for AdSense Approval ( I work with Google Wink Wink )

Hope you found this helpful, comment below if you need any clarifications


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