How blogging career can make you a first class student

Student blogging

Some weeks ago a friend of mine asked me how they can earn money and still come out from university as a first class student choosing blogging career as their hobby. I tried to highlight some point but didn’t really understand my explanations because it was not detail.

I think about writing this article to solve the trending problem on the internet. So that each time another person ask the same question, I’ll just refer them to this link.

We are in Computer era where both lecturers and students make use of internet for their researches. According to Google, it was gathered that more than one million people use the internet every month to search on their daily needs.

Without wasting much time let’s go straight to what we are here for.

Upon setting up your educational blog you need to take some reasonable steps. Because not all bloggers are even on second class lower talk less of second class upper, but today I’ll motivate you with this great article of mine.

Student Blogging: How to make money and graduate with first class honour

  • Blogging Exercises Student Creativity. One of the best benefits that come as a result of blogging is that it allows people to express and hone their creativity. …
  • Regular Writing Sharpens the Brain’s Performance.
  • Promote Expression of Self. …
  • Blogging Boosts Confidence. …
  • Student blogging Improve Communication Skills. …
  • Earn Income!

So many people have a move to create a blog but don’t know how to, below are what you need to own an educational blog:

How to create an educational blog and make money as a student

  • Buy a Domain plus hosting
  • Install your WordPress website
  • Customize your blog
  • Create your pages and post.
  • Start making money.

Just recently i published a post where I’ve given a well explanatory article about how to create a WordPress and make money, you can check it out and to read more about how to create blog because I’m not going to go deep on that today.

Buy a domain name and hosting

I’ve explained in many times on my previous articles what a domain name is and I’ll still keep explaining because of those reading my blog post for the first time.

Domain is an address in which people type on internet to get their way to your website. While an hosting is a place where your domain name live on the internet.

Let’s assume you’re going to somewhere for the first time, you know you must know the address of where you’re going to and when you get there should be a place you can stay if at all you don’t later get your way back home. That’s what is called web hosting.

How to purchase domain name and web hosting

When come to hosting a website bluehost is the best company I’ll recommend for you. Buying your hosting on bluehost you don’t need to buy domain name again because they will give you one domain name for free and their still a chance to do add-on.

Also bluehost has been recognized all over the world as the best hosting company when comes to web hosting. To buy your hosting now click on this link.

Install your WordPress website

In the process of buying your domain name and web hosting you would be ask to fill out some informations and lastly proceed to make payment. Just after that you need to install your WordPress website and proceed to the next list of item.

To install WordPress you need to login to your cpanel, you can check the email address you drop when filling the form you will see a message from bluehost telling you how to install WordPress.

On the mail message sent to your mail box you will find a link to tour Cpanel click on it and log in. When you get there locate my site and check the available software. Locate WORDPRESS click on it to install it.

Customize your blog

What you need to customize your educational blog are:

  • Free Responsive and SEO optimized theme.
  • Install some essential plugins.
  • Start customization process.
  • Free Responsive and SEO optimized theme.

As a student you don’t need to buy themes for now, so login to your website dashboard using this format login, click on the menu list at the top left locate appearance, click it while it expand forming another subsection of list locate themes and click on it.

This will take you to where you will add new themes to your blog.

  • Install some essential plugins.

You can do this by locating plugins from your website dashboard menu list and search for the following plugins :

  1. Elementor
  2. Yoast SEO
  3. Akismet Anti-spam
  4. WPForms

f there’s a new features you want to add to your blog, kindly make use of search engines to find which WordPress plugins does that.

  • Start customization process.

Once you’ve installed all those plugins together with a good looking themes, customization process has started.

Go to appearance from your website dashboard select customize button make arrange the widgets the way you want. If you don’t want to stress your, chat me up for a ready made educational website at an affordable price.

Create your pages and publish posts

Things has made easy, to publish a post or page on your blog you need to locate pages or posts, click it and create some posts or pages.

Start Making money blogging as a student

There are many ways to make money with your educational blog, but I’ll be giving you three different ways and with times you will get to know more ways.

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Google AdSense
  • Sell ads space

Affiliate marketing is way where by you promote another person’s product on your website by recommending it to your readers. To know more about how to make money with affiliate program check this link.

  • Google AdSense

This is the best way to monetize your educational blog when you have good traffic. All what you need to start earning is to get AdSense account.

  • Sell Ads space

You can reach out to local entrepreneurs and convince them to make their business known online. Start with small amount and when you see they are already making good sales you can increase the amount.


Student blogging is the best way to come out with first class honour which will also make you an independent student.

All the steps to get started blogging has been discussed, but if you would like to learn more on how to create an educational blog just visit this link and your life will totally change. It will make you an independent student!

What’s your thought on How blogging career can make you a first student? Kindly use the comment box and make sure to share out to friends and family
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