How to create a wordpress website – Make money blogging

Am here today again to give you my very comprehensive guide on how to create a WordPress website your self and start blogging

without contacting any expert and still give you tips on how to make money with it.

If you’re a very active reader of newlygist you must have known what WordPress website is, but still I’ll elaborate more on that.

Are you a beginner who wish to create your own website but don’t really know what to do ?

Or you are a business owner and you just wish having a good website where people can get in touch with your product on social media?

If yes, you’re in a right place. Let’s start from the simple method.
There are two ways you can create your WordPress website these are:

  1. Creating website from scratch
  2. And Creating website manually

Creating website from the scratch involves the knowledge of programming languages like JavaScript,

HTML and CSS and also you need tools like Enhanced Text Editor (ETE), Automated Tools (AT), and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs).

While the manual process is the best for beginners because it does’t require any programming language knowledge for a start and no tools is recommended.

You only need to get connected to the internet and a little of dollars as capital.

Today we only look at starting a blog / WordPress website manually, but if you wish to know how to create any website from scratch you can visit my previous article here.

Why do i need to create a WordPress website?

Not only bloggers need wordpress website, no matter what type of business you engage in if you can manage to own a website of your organization it gives you a chance to get rid of your competitors far far away.

There are numerous blogging platforms in which you can create a blog but the two most popular ones are wordpress and blogger.

But if you really mean business you should go for wordpress because it is very easy to handle and with the help of plugins you can add new features to your website without contacting an expert.

You just have to make use of search engines and within some minutes you’re done. Am not saying blogger is bad.

Even its good to start on so that you can have more experience and by the time you upgrade to wordpress you will be able to write and solve any issue concerning blogger.

What do I need to setup my own wordpress website?

If you ever choose to know what it takes to own a wordpress site always consider that WordPress is of two type.

There’s and so don’t make the same mistake most bloggers often make when starting up to blogging. The best of these is because of the following reasons:

You own your website your self (self hosted) and you’re free to do any illegal things on it. With, you have full control of your website.

You are free to do anything you want and customize it as much as you need, even without programming knowledge. 

But is a hosting service created by the co-founder of WordPress, named Matt Mullenweg.

Because of the same founder, often users confuse with the popular software. there is limitation to what you can do on

You don’t have full control as they can decided to place advert on your website without your permission. the whole seems annoying.

Now, can you see is best one you should choose. Below are the list of what you need to get your website launch.

How to create a wordpress website

Here are all what you need on how to create a wordpress website that make money fast:

  1. Buy a custom domain name
  2. Host your website
  3. Get your WordPress installed via Bluehost
  4. Select your wordpress themes
  5. Get some plugins and customize your website
  6. Create your pages and start posting 

That’s all, but let’s look at it one after the other.

1). Buying a custom domain name

You need to buy a custom domain name because free domain is not professional.

There are some blogging platforms that allow beginners to start with a free domain name like dot blogspot, .WordPress and so on. But don’t accept that.

Domain name i a name people type on search engines to find your blog.

Example ,, and so on. It is of so many extension, there’s .com .net very numerous.

It varies in price and its depends on your budget but i will tell you this, if you’re just starting with your website,

I advice you go for cheaper one because if you go for expensive domain you may have money issue when the domain expire and about to renew it.

When buying your domain name always make sure it goes along with your “propose niche”. What’s niche? This is just the main subject you would be discussing on your blog.

And also make sure you choose something easy to spell, not long and which people can easily memorize.

When your friend tell you my domain is please will you ever think of typing this long shii? No probably no. Good!

Where can i buy my domain name?

Let’s assume you are about to create a blog now.

To me, i recommend Dommainking for you because this is where i always buy all my domain name and it has been good with them. Another one is bluehost .

I recommend bluehost because they have been in existence for a decade of years and also they are trusted and recognized worldwide.

If you would like to buy your domain name from blueshost company, CLICK HERE

Note that i told you its Domainking i have used and trusted, so i have confidence in Domainking and if you would like to purchase your domain name from domainking, click here

2). Hosting your website

Just because of those that don’t know what wordpress hosting mean. Hosting is a place where the domain name you have bought(your website url) live on the internet.

You have to be careful when choosing where to host your website hosting.

That’s why most people often do the same together i.e they buy and host their website domain name at the same place. 

Meanwhile, bluehost has been the best when comes to hosting of domain. Even wordpress it self recommend them for their user.

So if you use my link to buy hosting from bluehost they will give you free domain name and over 60% off on web hosting.

Not only that, they will return back your money if you don’t like their plan.
→ Click here to Get this Exclusive Bluehost offer ←

Bluehost is one of the oldest web hosting companies, started in 1996 (that’s before Google). They are also the largest brand name when it comes to WordPress hosting because they host millions of websites.

On top of all this, Bluehost has been working with WordPress since 2005, and they are committed to giving back.

Also Domainking is currently doing promo, you get 1 free domain name as extra gift when you purchase their web hosting plan plus 58% off discount.

Click here now to purchase hosting from domainking and claim your off percent offer.

To be sincere with you bluehost is the beat hosting platform which every professional recommend so these are the reasons why you should choose bluehost:

  • They will register your blog name for you for free, making sure no one else can take it.
  • Bluehost offer a free, simple installation of the WordPress blogging software (which I’ll be showing you today).
  • WordPress itself recommend them since 2005 and currently host over 2 million blogs and websites.
  • They have helpful 24/7 customer service via phone or web chat.
  • There is a money-back guarantee if you are unsatisfied for any reason.

In this post i will be using bluehost as example on how to create a wordpress website so as to make things easier.
Let’s go!

Firstly login to bluehost through this LINK and click on that green button “GET STARTED NOW”
See the screenshot below

After you have click on get started now, it will take you to a place where you would have to choose your plan.

Here as a beginner, I recommend basic plan for you because its of low cost and can serve you what you need.
Check the below screenshot

Type in your preferred domain

The next page is where you will be ask to type in your domain name, if you have bought your domain name from domainking as we earlier said,

Just type the name and click on the “NEXT” button.
Check the screenshot below

But if you have not, enter your proposed domain name inside the create domain name box.

Note if your domain name is not availabile try and use another extension like .com .ng or you try and add small words like “my”, ” the” or any other small word you like.

After you have successfully choose your preferred domain name the next is to create your account with bluehost, you will have to fill out your billing details and move to the next. Check it below.

Select your hosting package

After you’re done, you will also need to choose your hosting packages and some extra packages.

This is where you get a brand email address example

Don’t forget bluehost guarantee you your money back if you wish to cancel the subscription.

I recommend you 12 month own if you’re a beginner but if you have a good startup capital (that is if you can afford 36 month package)

Please go for 36 month package because it is the lowest plan there.

Once completed, you will receive an email with details on how to login to your web hosting control panel (cPanel).

This is where you manage everything from support, emails, among other things. But most importantly, this is where you install WordPress.

See screenshot below

WordPress website

Create your account

After this what next is to create a password for your account.

Make sure you use password that is not easy to guess and the one you can easily remember. Now click on the blue button “CREATE ACCOUNT”

The next things is to select the themes to use. They will ask you to choose a template that inspires you.

You are worried about which one to choose? Don’t worry just pick any of the basic available template because you can easily change this later.

Later on in this post we’ll discuss with you how to change your themes to your preferred one.
See screenshot below

WordPress website

3). Get your wordpress installed via bluehost

Since you have now signed up to Bluehost and have your hosting setup ready, the next thing is to install WordPress.

While you technically can install WordPress manually, why would you if you can get other people to do it for you, and for free! Here’s how:

As soon as you completed the sign-up process with Bluehost, you should have received an email from the Bluehost with some details on how to log into your profile and begin working on your site.

Once you’re logged in, Bluehost will show you an easy to use wizard that takes you through the process of installing WordPress on your hosting setup.

Alternatively, you can also install WordPress by going to the My Sites section and clicking on the Create Site button:
Screenshot below

All that Bluehost needs in order to install WordPress for you is the name of your new site and the username/password that you want to use when managing WordPress.

Once you’ve completed the wizard, your site is installed and ready to go!

Select your wordpress website themes

To change that your default themes you installed earlier. You can do that by logging to your website dashboard using this format when you get there locate menu at the top left hand side. Check the screenshot below.

It will bring some list of short place to go, scroll down and look for appearance click on it and select themes.

How to customize WordPress website

This will load and appear like the screenshot below, click on “Add New” just in front of Themes.

After that, it will bring you a search box where you’d ask to type in your preferred themes name. You can use your niche name to search for themes suggestion.

If your on entertainment niche you can type in Entertainment or News, this will bring sets of available themes click on it.

On clicking it will appear like the screenshot below, the next thing is to click on install button it will install then click on activate.

Congratulations you have successfully upload a new themes!

How to install new themes on WordPress website

But if you would like me to lay hand on your website, I’ll provide you a professional design. You can chat me up

Get some plugins and customize your wordpress website

Plugins are essential things you should add to your WordPress website that will help you get exactly what you need.

Below are some essential WordPress plugins for beginners to be familiar with:

  • Akismet
  • WPForms
  • Yoast SEO
  • Sassy social count.
  • Jetpack

How do i install a new plugin to my WordPress website?

To add new plugin to your WordPress website click on the aforementioned menu list scroll down and locate Plugins, click on it and select “Add New”

This will take you to a new page where you would be ask to search the plugin name.

How to add plugins on WordPress website

Check from my list of essential WordPress website plugins above and type in the name one after each other.

Then click on the plugin and press install. And finally press active so that the plugin can have effect on your website. That mean you have leant about adding new features on your WordPress website.

But if there’s a feature you want to add but you don’t know the exact plugins that work for it, you can make use of search engines.

Type your questions there and go back to your WordPress dashboard to make the necessary effect.

Create your pages and start posting 

To create either pages or posts on your WordPress website, you need to firstly login to your website dashboard using this format,

Type in your username and password then locate the menu list scroll down to either posts or pages, click on it.

It will expand after you have clicked on it, select “Add New” this will load and take you to a new page where you will ask to provide either post or page title and also the main content.

How to publish post on WordPress website

After you must have added your title and main content, the next things is to publish your post or page. That’s it!

How to monetize your blog

Now that you’ve learnt how to create a successful wordpress website, the next of action is to look for how to make money through your website so that it will serve as inspirations.

There are many ways you can monetize your blog, but i will only discuss the best of all for you today:

  1. Google Adsense
  2. Affiliate Marketing
  3. Sponsored Post
  4. Start selling your own market

You’re confused about what i listed above? Don’t worry, i will elaborate on it one after the other. Now follow me

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is a type of advertisement network owned by google, and is often considered as the best contextual advertising network because its very simple to setup.

You would be given an html code which you will need to place on your html gadget and ads will start showing.

How does Google AdSense work?

Google AdSense works in the sense that you place ads unit on your website page and Google rewards you for every click or views you receive.

How much can i earn with 1000 views?

There is something called impression in AdSense, this is the total number of page views you have on your AdSense account.

Although, the best way is for you to have click on your AdSense account which google count as (cost per click)Apart from CPC, you will also earn from your CPM ad impressions.

Irrespective of any niche, the average CPM earning is $1 to $1.5 per 1,000 impressions. You can make $40 to $60 per day from 40,000 page views.

Can I make living with Google AdSense?

Why not, you can really make living with Google AdSense. According to what I’ve seen and believed, lots of people are making bastard money on social media with Google AdSense.

Examples are :Linda ikeji who is a founder of lindaikejisblog. This lady start blogging around 10 years back, she have achieved alot of things with this Google AdSense.Another example is Makinde Azeez, the founder at Naijaloaded.

This guy also make shii with Google AdSense. In short sha, if you really a serious one even though you choose to run partime blogging, you can can make good money.

Can i have multiple AdSense account?

No you are not permitted to have multiple AdSense account but some folks still manage to get more than two AdSense account.

This is how they do it;

They create a new blog, do every necessary stuff and apply with another gmail account and also provide another bank details that is different from their previous one.

But when Google AdSense get to know this they ban the account immediately and this can result in having non account again.

So it is advisable to maintain just account and put all the possibility effort to increase your earnings.

How To Join Google Adsense Program?

To join AdSense program, you need a email address. You know there are many email addresses website,

but this time around we only need google mail account which is also known as gmail. If you don’t have any you can get it here

The next step is to signup for AdSense account on their main website using that new gmail account you just created,

fill in all what they requested for and make sure you don’t type in wrong information because if you do so, you will have problem verifying your account.

If you don’t want to stress your self, you can leave it for expert to help you out with it. You can reach me on whatsapp, I charge affordable price.

Affiliate Marketing For WordPress Website

Another way to monetize your WordPress website is something called Affiliate marketing. This is my best way of earning cash through blogging.

I’ve been earning lots of thousand dollars on affiliate marketing for the past years. You also can earn big money if you plan it very well.

Literally, it is a marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.

This work well by recommending products to your clients through your affiliate links.

“most of my earnings are from affiliate marketing, direct ad sales, and sponsored posts”

 Also, wikipedia defined it as a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. 

Affiliate marketing for WordPress website
Image from

But Toshmoney defined it as a performance based network where a person who shares an affiliate links get rewarded with some cash for each person that either make a purchase, signs up, or carries out some action the affiliate program requires through your link.

Am giving you all these definition so that you can know what affiliate marketing really is, because all what you will learn on affiliate program here today would be purely based on:

How you can make at least $1,000 monthly using affiliate marketing as google AdSense alternative for bloggers and those want to make money online.

Google Adsense on the other hand is one way to make money online, but it largely involves you having a very high traffic before any reasonable returns can be made. 

Below are some list of affiliate program you can join now with that your WordPress website that pay fast :

Apart from engaging in affiliate marketing of the above links, you can also invite people to join their affiliate program and you earn some amount for inviting your friends to join their affiliate program.

The secret behind affiliate marketing is that you need to write good/quality content, because you don’t expect those that didn’t gain anything from your article to buy things you recommend for them.

You must be informative!

To learn more on how to operate all these, kindly visit this link!

Sponsored Post

Sponsored posts are articles that a blogger or website owner is paid to publish on their website by companies, blogger in the same niche and brand related.

The sponsored posts is otherwise called guest post. People from your niche would contact you for sponsored posts when they see you’re driving in lots of traffic on your blog.

Sponsored post for WordPress website
Image from

And the best way to earn from sponsored posts is to rank well on google search engine, and have articles that worth imformative. A well details one.

How Can I Find Companies That Will Pay For Sponsored Post?

To find sponsors who are willing to pay for posts and reviews on your website or blog, you should start with small scale brands and companies.

Another good source of sponsors is to promote local business. Talk to local business personnel around you, highlights the advantages behind using digital marketing for their products.

Let them know they will over throne their competitors if they can make use of internet to advertise their products and services.

You can also get sponsors is by the use of sponsorship market website like cooperatize, payperpost, sponsored Reviews etc.

They all can find you sponsors by performing a middleman function, leaving you to concentrate on the writing.

Start Selling Your Own Market On Your WordPress Website

Another great way to make money after you:ve create a WordPress website is to start selling your products and services.

How to start selling on WordPress website

It just work well when you’re getting all your traffic from search engines because this ll show your website is well known.

If you’re an active reader of this blog, you should have come across my article where I’ve gave a detailed explanations on how to start mini importation business in Nigeria.

You can start mini importation business as your side hustle business together with your blog.

But to make good sales, you need to write review article on those products and services you’re selling and recommend your readers to buy from you by stating out some vital reasons.

Just try and start one small businesses

How To Promote Your New WordPress Website On The Internet?

There are many ways you can promote your new WordPress website, but I’ll only list out the best one here:

  • Social media
  • Email lists
  • Guest post
  • Social media

You can promote your blog on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, LinkedIn, and so many more. All you need is to sign up and create account then start working on it.

  • Email lists

If you could remember, I mentioned WPForms as one of the essential WordPress plugins, so you need to install it right away and get everything ready to collect user data, create email lists and send them email link on the new post you just published.

  • Guest Post

This is another way to promote your new website on the internet, it work in a superb way. You reach out to bloggers in your niche and beg them for backlinks or you should write them a comprehensive article and link it to your new website.

If their readers enjoy the article, they might become your reader as well.

You can also watch the video below for further learning on how to create a WordPress website

More Useful Link:

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