How to make money online in South Africa

Making legit money online is what everyone would like to crave for, especially nowadays that people from South Africa are searching the internet to know the latest trending online business that pay fast.

Everyone have their own reasons why looking for online money making business they can start. The fact is, there’s no more cash in office unless those embezzling public funds which meant for many people. I can’t lie for you online business pay more faster than office work. It has many advantages over any other work. I must give you some reasons why you as a person reading this article should start legit online business right now in South Africa.

But before i state out my points let’s look at the list of most lucrative online business one can start in South Africa.

Hot most lucrative online business that sell fast in South Africa:

  • Drop shipping Business
  • Freelance Work
  • App Making Business
  • Become a YouTuber
  • Blogging Business
  • Become online Graphics Designer
  • Online Tutoring

Drop shipping Business

No how you want to treat the topic “make money online in South Africa” Without having Drop shipping on your list.

Wait oo, what does this Drop shipping business all about sef? What exactly are we drop shipping.

Well, this is a business idea in which you sell what you don’t have in your store online.

To start this business, bellow are some requirements:

  • Facebook page
  • Digital marketing skill
  • ATM card
  • Your full attention.

Though I’ve strive to compile a complete guide to get you started for drop shipping.

Freelance Work

Freelance works in the sense that you offer your skill to those need it online and get paid in return. If you possess any online skills and you wish to start making money with it, kindly visit these websites upwork, freelancer, fivver and so many more.

App Making Business

With the help of Admob App making business has been a profitable idea one could start. There are two ways to make money online with this innovation;

  1. Either you learn programming language and start building App for those need it.
  2. Or you make the most useful App, connect admob to it and upload it to iTunes or google play store

To learn this stuff online you can go to Udacity and subscribe for their plan then you start making money.

Become a YouTuber

Not everyone know that YouTube is one of the most lucrative ways people make money online in South Africa. But I’m telling you this, YouTube has been the beat way to make legit cash.

Requirements to setup a YouTube page:

  • Your Laptop
  • Data connection
  • Digital Camera
  • And some YouTube tools like (voice cleanser etc)

Good news is that, you can combine this business with blogging. You use your blog to promote your YouTube contents.

To start, now head to YouTube official website to create your page using your own gmail or you create a new gmail address for it.

Blogging Business

This is also inevitable when one discussing on the topic “make money online in South Africa

Blogging alone can make you a millionaire in South Africa if well managed. This is my favourite online money making business, I’ve been smiling to bank every month. The things is that you can also start a blogging business with at least $25 and within some months you should start making real money.

How to start blogging business in south Africa?

Blogging business is not hard to start, you just need to setup a professional website and chose a niche you’d like to start discussing on.

Requirements to setup a blog :

  • Custom domain name plus web hosting
  • Design your first website and start making money.

To start with this, you need to learn it or you give and expert like me to set you up. If you want me to set you a professional website and still tutor you how to monetize it, chat me now!

Become Online Graphics Designer

Graphics Designers are those that design logo, banner, flex, ID card and so on. To start this business online, you need to learn from an expert and put more innovative by working online instead of setting up a shop.

Where can i display my Graphics Design talent?

There are many freelancer website out there where you can work and get paid sharp sharp. An examples are fivver, freelancer upwork etc.

Graphics Designer are more lucrative nowadays especially on fivver where a white man would tell you to help them design a company logo at the rate of $700. That’s much right? Good, you need to take fast decision whether to start this business or the next one I’m going to talk about.

But if your decision is to start this and you font know how to go about it, you can chat me up on WhatsApp for my paid class.

Online Tutoring

If you’re a type that was gifted one skill or the other. You can start online tutorial for those looking forward to know more about your gifted skills.

There are many ways to operate in this field. You could setup a blog and add paid membership section where all your students will enroll for your course.

You can also run this business idea on YouTube where you will be doing Tutoring online.

But the secret behind this is that, you just need to give out free tutorials so that your clients can believe you’re real.

Because some people would like to test what you have to offer them , so when they now see that your Tutoring class is very comprehensive then they will keep subscribing for all your paid classes.

Now to my reasons why you should start either one or more of these business ideas listed above.

Reasons why you should start online business in South Africa?

  • You can start this business with little or no capital. Unlike other business that require big money for start up capital.
  • Having setup an online business, you can also have another side hustle business in which you can be doing together.
  • With the list above, you can make millions monthly if well planning occur.
  • You’re your boss, no one will dictate for you.

How much capital do i need to setup online business?

It depends on your taste, but if this is your first time to invest in online business I’d advice you not to put much money at first. But after you see that it has thrive well you can decided to increase your investment.

How fast can i start making much profit?

All lies on you. Your consistency and determination will determine when your first cash-out would be. You can’t compare someone that rarely come online with a smart online business personnel.


You can’t wait to start making money online with all these business ideas i gave you today. What you just need to do is to be smart and consistence with any of these you later chose.

Don’t forget i made mention of free one, yes YouTube and Drop-shipping are part of them. You don’t need to spend a dim before you starting these unless you want to do online promotion (Paid ads) on some popular social media like facebook , twitter and Instagram

I hope you enjoy reading this small article.

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