7 Hot Ideas for Stay at Home Moms to Make Money Fast

Without wasting the time, I’ll be giving you the list of the hottest business ideas for stay at home moms to make money fast in Africa.

Ideas for Stay at Home Moms to Make Money Fast

Are you eager to know the best Ideas Available for stay at home moms to make money fast online ? That shouldn’t be what to worry about.

As a stay at home moms who resides in Africa, you need to find some reasonable ideas that pay fast which can make you more money to support your husband financially.

Its of good innovative to start doing some petty business so that you won’t fully depends on your husband’s wealth.

In this post, I’ll be highlighting some business ideas which a stay at home moms can venture into. These are:

Business Ideas For Stay At Home Moms To Make Money Fast

Here are the best business ideas for stay at home moms to make money fast online:

Note that all the above points are mainly for stay at home moms who base in Africa.

But if you’re from other continent and you wish to pick up the ideas, No problem just try to consider favourable conditions on the aspect of agricultural practice.

Freelance writer

If your a stay at home mom that has one or two skill you can decided to start writing / working as a freelancer online which will make you more money and at the same time improve your writing skill.

Starting freelance writing on topics like Parent guide, best way to cool this and that, belief me average payment for a freelance writing online has now increase.

You could earn $100 per article and this article might not even be upto 1000 words.

If you’d like to start a freelance writing job online as a stay at home moms, you can check out this article where I’ve listed the top websites that pay good cash for a freelance writer.


Own a YouTube channel

Your a stay at home mom and haven’t heard about YouTube channel as a way moms make money online? Chai… Your definitely missing mom.

Starting this stuff won’t cost you lot of startup capital. You only need a laptop, a nice digital Camera, sound recorder and you get started.

To start creating online presence on YouTube you need to be creative.

That mean, as a stay at home mom you can quickly go ahead to learn cake baking for example and start teaching different cake baking online.

If you love to start YouTube channel stuff but don’t know what to learn to start teaching online, you can contact me on WhatsApp.

Start a mom blog

This is extremely great, as stay at home moms can join blogging together with YouTube channel and make cool money online.

I’ve trained up to 1000 moms how to start mom blog and they are all making cool legitimate money online. You can also contact me for training by clicking on this link to direct your message to me on WhatsApp.

But if you don’t have training fee, I’ve written an article which has scored more than 10,000 views on how to start a blog. But the steps here is a kind of costly.


You just need to write good article, sign up for ad networks, affiliate marketing. And start making your extra cash.

Rear backyard chicken

In Africa, chicken is considered as a lucrative business which create fast money for anyone who venture in it.

Chicken business is not something hard when you understand some basic knowledge it requires.

As a stay at home mom who’s looking for the best business Ideas for stay at home moms to make money , you can order for my poultry eBook where I’ve made things simpler for people to start poultry business especially stay at home moms.

Best Ways To Make Money With Chicken Rearing As A Stay At Home Moms

  1. You can rear broiler for three months and sell it for nearest hotel for quick money.
  2. Rear both broilers and cockerel (Cock) during festival.
  3. Start rearing layers And sell out the eggs for daily money.

All those three ways listed above require intensive coaching, which you can get at an affordable price. Contact us!

Cultivate Vegetables crop

You know what i mean by vegetables crop right? Good.

If your house has a small piece of land at your backyard where you can just spread some vegetables seed and make out money, you can actually go for this.

This thing not something tedious, you won’t look old. Because I know you’ve started thinking about looking old since you’ve heard vegetables crop.

Below are some Vegetables crop you can quickly make money from while staying at home:

Best Vegetables crop plantation for stay at home moms

  • Tomatoes plantation,
  • onion plantation,
  • Pepper plantation,
  • Amaranthus spinach plantion (Ewedu) and so on.

Start snail farming business and make money

Snail farming business still remain one of the most lucrative agribusiness which a stay at home moms can venture into because it doesn’t require much stress, startup capital and take no time to cater for.

Did you know snail lay more than 200 eggs. And they reproduce 3 times in a year which means just one snail can produce upto 700 – 800 snail per year.

Why don’t you give it a try and start snail farming business right now.

You don’t really need to learn snail farming business before you can start, though i have a well written eBook which i called Beginner’s guide to snail farming business in Africa. I sell this $50, you can order for yours now!

I’m the eBook you’ll how to start snail farming business without start up capital, how to sell your snail fast in Africa, and lots more.

Mini importation Business as an Ideas for stay at home moms to make money

I have published a post about mini importation business in Nigeria, South Africa, all-around Africa.

If you have not read it, you can quickly check it out because i won’t really go deep here.

As a stay at home moms who want to make money online, mini importation business is another option for you as this doesn’t require Mich stress.

All you just need to start this business idea is a small startup capital. Something around N20,000 is okay.

You can just import goods directly from manufacturer (China product is okay) and start selling it for nearby moms.


Best importation business that sell fast in Africa

  • Cooking Utensils
  • Children wears
  • Ladies wears
  • Men’s wear
  • Building materials and so on.

Conclusion On Business Ideas For Stay At Home Moms

With this piece of information, I think all the stay at home moms will now start some lucrative business ideas to support their husband.

If you don’t forget i told you this text is mainly for African stay at home moms who’s passionate to earn extra cash in a fast way.

But if your from other continent like China, India, United State of America, United kingdom and so on.

You can pick up the ideas but always put put into consideration all agricultural favourable conditions.

What’s your thought on these 7 Ideas for stay at home moms to make money ? Don’t forget to share with friends and family to get them self employed!

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