How to Start Mini Importation Business in S/Africa

Want to know how to start Importing Clothes From China To South Africa? It’s not a something hard, you just need to follow my steps.

I got a mail message from one of my blog readers in south Africa asking me to help with article on how to start importing clothes from china to SA.

And since South Africa is one of the countries I’m getting traffic from i decided to publish this post.

You can’t believe what I’m going to teach you today don’t really requires much start-up capital.

Even with $50 you can start importing clothes from china to SA which is very good for a beginner.

All what you gonna learn here today would be purely online. That is importation is online and selling of goods is also online.

How to start Importing Clothes From China To South Africa ?

Importing Clothes from China to south Africa

To start importing clothes from China to South Africa you need the following steps:

  1. Unleash ideas within you
  2. Select website to buy your product
  3. Get your products ship down to SA
  4. Name your brand
  5. Start Marketing your products
  6. Set-up an e-commerce website
  7. Start making cool money online.


To start importation business you need to firstly do feasibility analysis on what products sell fast in your area.

You don’t just jump to start importing anything you like. You get my point? Yea, you need to sit down and unleash your ideas.

As you know this post is all about Importing Clothes From China To South Africa which mean we only take on starting clothes business.

When it comes to feasibility analysis there are 2 questions you need to ask your self which are:

Do I enjoy selling this product in SA (South Africa) ?

You mean south Africa? Huh! That business is one of the lucrative business available for south African to start with low capital.

Selling this, it will fetch you more money to even start another lucrative business and still put food on your mouth.

Are there others who are importing clothes from China to South Africa?

Sure! You don’t expect you’re the only person doing this business. There are so many people who are also doing this.

But what you should always target is how to build up your brand which i have already explained here.

Also how you can make profit doing your business. But don’t let profit be your first priority, always cater for your customers.

Read Also: Mini Importation Business Plan in Nigeria, Ghana, S.Africa (5 things you need to succeed)


The cheapest ever website in China is Alibaba partner online store (

Every goods / products on this website are very cheap compare to every other large e-commerce website in China.

But the small problems here is that the website was only designed for Chinese which means it is encrypted with Chinese language.

As an entrepreneur I’ve made my research on how people from other countries can buy from this website and ship it to their various countries.

Read Also:China Mini Importation Site – Top places to buy at cheaper price

During the course of my research, i learnt that you’d need to change the website language to English for better understanding.


In this type of importation business you don’t to register with any organization before you can receive your goods.

All you need is to get the techniques, your smartphone, data connection and get connected with China agents. Within some days, your goods would be arrived.

You’re wondering how to get connected with China agents? That shouldn’t be something to border about, I’ve gat you covered.

I have premium training on this which you will entitle to our video, eBook and well explained article on how you can start importing clothes from China to South Africa.

You wanna order for this? Click here now!

#4. NAME YOUR BRAND After Importing Clothes From China To South Africa

After setting up your importation business, you need to give your business a unique name that will make it professional.

Naming of brand is a good welcoming idea if when implemented would have positive changes in the business.

Don’t know what name to give your business? You can just add part of your name together with something fashionable.

I’m popularly known as Toshmoney, and if i want to name my clothing business I’d like to give it Tosh-wears or Tosh-couture.

There are so many names you can give to your business, its all depends on you.


Marketing skill is an inevitable instruments you must learn how to apply in your business.

Without marketing skill, there would be no growth in business.

There are many ways you can market your goods which are as follow:

  • Facebook promotion
  • Promote your product on online forum
  • Run sponsored ads on fashion blog
  • And Instagram promotion.

Meanwhile, we also run sponsored ads for any type of business you engaged in. We’ll write a review about your product, publish it here and in all our social handles.

You want to advertise with is? Quickly chat with us now to know how we place ads on how website.


Do you know what e-commerce website is ? In case you don’t know, this is a website set up to sell your products online.

Example of this are jiji and many more.

Setting up this type of website would enable you to sell your goods online while you sleeping.

We have decided to give out a bonus for the first 100 people to contact us now.

As we’ll be creating an e-commerce website for your business at an affordable price. Contact us now to get this offer!


You can’t wait to start making cool money while doing this business. I have a friend in Nigeria, the guy is making nothing less than #50k on daily basis.

You can also enroll in our importation training and start making your daily money now!


Importing clothes from China to South Africa is one the very lucrative business South African are making money with.

It is very easy to start this business, one you’ve opt in for our importation training which cover all what you need to succeed.

To enroll in this training, you can contact us now

What are your thoughts on this article? Do share out to friends and family and don’t forget to contribute your opinion.


    […] mini importation business in South Africa is very easy like A,B,C but if you don’t have any knowledge about the business you may not […]

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