How to Make Money as a College Student From Drop Shipping In Nigeria

If you ever want to know how you can make money as a college student using drop shipping in Nigeria as your option then this article might be of help to you.

Even if you’re not a student, yes this deal will let you make 6 -7 figures from dropshipping business in Nigeria.

Also if you already have a job but you’re not satisfy with your monthly/weekly earnings, I’m here to help you out.

What most of our youths don’t know is that, there are many ways they can actually make good money online without even defrauding people.

Let me ask you this question, why are Nigerian youths involving in a cyber crime? (Yahoo Yahoo)

Should we say it was because of the rate of unemployment in the country? Or they are lazy youths.

Or should we even say they lack informative knowledge. The fact remains that, majority of these youths are intelligent people who know how to twist things very well.

I still can’t forget the headlines i read from punch where the EFCC chairman said he’s going to recruit Yahoo boy.

The reason why he said so was that he know these people are very intelligent, some are university graduate and so on.

Some people go into cyber crime because they want to be using latest things, they want to satisfy their girlfriend, they want to drive the latest car their father can’t afford.

What’s happening Nigerians? When would this cyber crime leave Nigeria, is this the way we’re going to be using it till eternal?

I am not supporting government move against Yahoo boys because if they really want to eradicate cyber crime totally, then they should introduce other legit way for our youths to put food on their table.

Without further introduction, today I’ll be exposing you to Drop shipping in Nigeria. How you can make money as a college student.

Let’s start from here, what’s drop shipping in Nigeria and how can i make money from it in Nigeria?

What is Drop shipping in Nigeria?

How to make money as a college student from drop shipping in Nigeria

If you’ve been reading from this blog before i expect you should have had some knowledge about dropshipping as a whole. Though I’m still gonna explain deep here.

Dropshipping business is a business model where by you sell what you don’t have in store for your clients online through third party.

This is an untapped or we call it unchartered territories which most Nigerians are still yet to take advantages of.

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How does it work to make money as a college student?

Drop shipping in Nigeria works in the sense that you find a good reliable supplier, create a store, source your own clients, sell online and make your own profit.

In this business, you don’t need to have the product you’re promoting in your store and once the market come, you just need to contact your supplier, ship directly to your clients and remove your own gain/profit.

If you really serious about this business you can make more than $100 a day.

What are the risks behind this drop shipping in Nigeria?

Don’t be scared there’s no serious risk behind this drop shipping business in Nigeria because of the following reasons:

  1. You are not buying the goods before customer come (which means you don’t need to have it in store)
  2. You don’t need to have a shop before setting up this business.
  3. Drop shipping in Nigeria can be setup with zero capital, unless for the need of advert.

But how can i start the business?

If you continue to search the internet from now to eternal you can not come across free guide on dropshipping business. Why?

People won’t drop this for free because they know the true value of drop shipping business in Nigeria.

Meanwhile I’ve decided to help our youths and support federal government in fighting of cyber crime.

I’ll be dropping my blueprint/masterclass link where you can learn the complete solution guide on how to start your own drop shipping in Nigeria and start to make money as a college student.

Normally this tutorial worth 15,000 Naira but due to the state of economy in Nigeria and the promo I’m offering currently I’ve decided to slash the price to a chicken change of N3,000.

What you will gain after the class?

After you have successfully enrolled in this training, you will be able to do the following:

  • Create e-commerce store.
  • You will be familiar with drop shipping suppliers in Nigeria.
  • This would enabled you to know how to become a pro Facebook marketer.
  • You will be exposed to 10 lucrative dropshipping niche that sell fast in Nigeria.
  • You will be able to setup PayPal that send and receive money in Nigeria without using any VPN.

What are you still waiting for, all these for N3,000 only? Wow… Don’t miss this opportunity!

Start now before it is too late. By January 1st I’m going to take the price back to 15, 000.

How to make payment?

There are two ways to make payment which are;

1. Bank deposits/ Mobile transfer

2. Online payment gateway.

If you would like to use bank deposits/ mobile transfer option then follow the steps below.


Account Number: 0230219059

Bank Type: Gtbank

Account Name: Ismaheel Abdulmaleeq O.

Once you’ve successfully transfer the cash you can give a call 081-03-85-68-46 or mail us at we’ll attend to you instantly.


If you’re a type that don’t like using mobile transfer or don’t have time going to bank this option is best for you.

What you only need is your ATM and make sure you have up to 3,000 Naira in your account then follow this link to make payment.

After you have successfully make your payment it will automatically direct you to where you can access your full masterclass.

Follow this link to use online payment gateway.

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