What You Could Do That let You Make Money While Sleeping

The best way to overcome poverty in life is to earn good cash while sleeping. If you ain’t the type that want to make money while you sleep then that mean you might end up working till death.

When you’re making money while you sleep it is otherwise called passive income. And this works in many ways.

make money while you sleep

Today I’m not gonna talk on the 50 ways to make money while you sleep, but will give you 3 correct ways to earn while sleeping.

Best ways to make money while you sleep

How do you feel if i only write these down without proper explanations? Your gonna feel sad right.. Don’t worry I’ll take it one by one.


#1. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing has been the best way to make passive income online no matter the country your reading this from.

Hardly you see any article of this topic without affiliate marketing being included. Why?

Its because affiliate program is the fastest way to earn extra income online and to make money while while you sleep.

The good news is that you don’t need to own the product your self. You only need to leverage on the most hot product, earn 50% commission for every sales you made.

How to start affiliate program that let you make money while you sleep

1st Step: Sign up with any online company that runs affiliate marketing.

2nd Step : Choose any of their hot product

3rd Step: Build your squeeze page so you can build a list even while selling.

4th Step: Promote the product you have chosen by running Facebook ads.

Lets say for example, you could only afford to run advert on Facebook for #1,000/day and the product you choose to promote cost #20,000

As a newbie, you could only make 1 sale everyday cos you don’t have much to spend on Facebook and each sale gives you 50% commission on the product you are promoting

So if you are able to sell 1 product each day in 30 days, you would have sold 30 products, am i right ? that’s #10,000 * 30= #300,000.


And of course as a business oriented person, you won’t act stupid by spending all your profit

All you need to do is scale up with the profit you made, invest the money back on Facebook ad to get more sales

Its as simple as that.

5th Step: Make use of Email marketing to bring in more sales by recommending the product you have chosen to your subscribers.

Email marketing can be done by signing up with the the company that run email marketing.

I recommend constantcontact for you because its the one I’ve been using for the past years and it has been good with them.

#2. Create eBook

Another great way to earn while sleeping is to create eBook of hot topic and sell it online either through Amazon or you build email list and send broadcast mail message to advertise the product your promoting.

Its very simple to run this business all you need is just a writing skill and you must be communicative in all your book.

Look out for the topic you know can solve people’s problem, write a book on it and sell it online. Simple!

The best place I’ve been recommending for people to sell their book is on Amazon. Though they deduct some commission but your book would be sold while your not around and the cash will ring in your account at the end of the month.

#3. Start a blog

Its not because am a blogger that made me include Start a blog on my list. No!

You just need to keep reading, with the explanation I’m gonna give i know you’d be convince to start a blog today.

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You will notice all this three people’s net worth are more than what a civil servant could have in their bank account.

They all started with nothing while they are now fucking rich nigg..

Blog monetization is my own favorite way to make money while sleeping, i can’t imagine my first earnings with Google adsense when i cash out $300 as a newbie i was like ohhh.. This is very lucrative.

Not knowing that would be the least cash I’ll earn on my blog.

With my experienced on this blogging field I’ve been able to fixed out what could desists you to make cool money as a newbie on your blog.

I’ve written a lot article on how to start a professional blog and start making money while you sleep, at the same time my DM is open for consultant.

If your blog is not fetching you money the way you expected, you can reach me on WhatsApp I’ll be telling you all the skills you lack.

How to start a blog that let you make money while you sleep

While some ignorant would say you can’t monetize a new blog, my friend its a critical lie. I can train you how to make money with your one week blog. Which I’ve trained up to 2,000 people how to create a professional website and make money while sleeping.


Though I’ll give you some point here while the rest would be reserve for those who really have interest.

The first thing to do to make money with a new blog is to make your website professional, sign up for affiliate program that goes along with your blog niche.

Now you need to create a good content that solve people’s problem and recommend your affiliate product to them. I’m 90% sure they would buy through your link.

Your worried about how to get people notice your new blog right?

That’s the smallest things I’ve ever worried about.

You could run Facebook ads, twitter ad, or you create one account on pinterest and start publishing there.

That’s all what i have for now, if there is a need for update I’ll surely update this article to increase the chance of helping people financially.


Conclusion on how to make money while you sleep

You know what to make money cool money while sleeping you need to act smart and increase on your intelligence.

All those three points above would get you rich while sleeping but you know what try combine things together.

Create a blog and run the other two while your blog is active.

What’s your thought on how to make money while you sleep ? Kindly use the comment button to contribute your opinion and don’t forget to share out on social media.

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