Mini Importation Business Plan in Nigeria (5 things you need)

Want to know about Mini Importation Business Plan before diving into the importation sphere ? Good! This is for you.

The reason why all the small scale business entities are failing to rise in Nigeria arise from the lack of proper planning.

Mini importation business plan

There are some things you need to do before starting mini importation business in Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana and all around Africa which i’ll be giving you today.

Mini Importation Business Plan

Below are all what you need to setup a mini importation business (plan) in Nigeria:

  1. Do your feasibility analysis on what product sell fast.
  2. Buy from cheapest website.
  3. Get connected to real shipping agent
  4. Setup an e-commerce website for your business
  5. Market your product.

#1. Feasibility Analysis as one of Mini Importation Business Plan

I’m an expert in this mini importation business and I know all what you need to get started.

Feasibility analysis is just a way to check if the business your about to venture in gonna thrive well in market.

Have you ever ask your self before starting any business that am i going to make money with this business? Is this what people need?

You need to know the type of products that sell fast, the latest in town and many more.

Below are some hot product you can start with:

  • Cooking Utensil
  • Lady’s Wear
  • Men’s wear
  • Fashioned Bags, sneakers etc.

#2. Buy from cheapest website

If you really want to make real profit on this business you need to buy from the website that sell the cheapest price.

As of the time I’m writing this article, 1688 still remain the best website to buy cheap product.

Though they don’t include shipping fee in their price. Which means you need to look for a way to ship your goods down to your doorstep.

If you want to know how to buy from 1688 in Nigeria and shipping stuff, you can check this article on how to start mini importation.

Another one are Aliexpress,,and many more.

Why you should choose

This website sell the most cheapest product in China and even Aliexpress and co buy directly from this site and resell it online.

#3. Get connected to Real shipping Agent

Before you can be able to ship your goods from China to your country you need a real shipping agent who will help you ship your product.

You see that 1688 website i recommended for you, the website was designed for only China people to buy goods directly from manufacturers.

But with the help of expertise in me, I’ve develop a way to buy and ship to your country. Even your doorstep

If you want to know how you can quickly buy and ship to your doorstep (Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa) chat me up now!

#4. Setup an ecommerce website for your business

No matter what business you do you need a professional website to display your product and with the help SEO you can quickly get new customers.

Whenever people search anything that related to what you sell Google or search engines would include your website among the search result.

Did you know you can get a professional e-commerce website like jiji, jumia at an affordable price? You can click here to check what it takes.

#5. Market your product

Upon setting everything you still need to market your product. There are different ways you can market your product which are :

  • Create Social media account for your brand.
  • Sponsored Ads
  • Online forums
  • WhatsApp groups and many more

Create Social Media Account For Your Brand

This is a very good idea if you can afford to create one, its very easy to do. If you don’t have the skill you can employe someone to do it for you.

Each time you have new stock, you go there and upload it. If you can afford ads on Facebook or Twitter, this could help.

Sponsored Ads

Sponsored ads are those advertisements you pay blogger or website owner to help you advertise your product.

This is advisable to run on a website that have the same niche with your product.

Assuming I’m into mini importation business and I’m selling whole sales, i will look for a business blog like this Newlygist and reach the admin to place ads.

Meanwhile, this website you’re reading from also run sponsored ads. Which means we help our client write review about their product and recommend it to our readers.

To place sponsored ads on this website, contact us now

Online Forums

You can quickly market your product on online forum like Nairaland and msny more.

Nairaland that i know do have up to 100 thousands or more daily traffic. But guess what?

They don’t really allow people to adverse directly on their site unless you reach them to place advertisement. But there’s a trick to do that.

To use style advertise on Nairaland, you can just write a review about your product and drop how to reach you.

Whatsapp Groups And Many More

WhatsApp still remain one of the best way to reach out to local customers. There are many people using this method to sell their product.

How to do it? You just need to keep joining WhatsApp group, create your own WhatsApp group and start marketing your product.

Though you need to do it smartly so that you won’t spam groups.

Conclusion on Mini Importation Business Plan

Mini Importation Business Plan is a good step to first take when starting up your mini importation business in Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa.

You just need to plan your business well before diving into it. All the best!

I hope you get all the points right? Don’t leave any of these untouched as it’s a great way to succeed in this business.

What are your thoughts on this mini Importation Business Plan ? Don’t forget to share out to other entrepreneur you know.

Do you want more? Check the links below:
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