Nude rihanna autobiography

Rihanna Releases Nude Photos To Promote Her Book (Pictures)

Nude photos of Rihanna, were released when she has announced the release of her new ‘visual autobiography’ with a picture of her covering nudity with a copy of the book.

Nude photos of Rihanna, were released when she has announced the release of her new ‘visual autobiography’ with a picture of her covering nudity with a copy of the book.

Naija News learnt that the American pop culture queen stripped off to promote her new book on Instagram on Friday.

She wrote, “It’s crazy to look back at all of the memories and be able to share these precious moments with you!”

Naija News understands that “The Rihanna Book” was released this week and she said it was “crazy to look back” at her journey to stardom. Her friends also congratulated her on the launch, with Gigi Hadid leaving a heart emoji and Zendaya declaring, “Period.”

The book includes over 1000 images, 504 pages and personal additions like the star’s old school report cards (she was an “consistent worker who takes pride in doing her work well”, according to one teacher).

Here are some of the pictures in the visual “The Rihanna Book”


source : naijanews

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