Dermaroller Benefits

Dermaroller 101: What Are Dermaroller Benefits? & Why Should You Use It?

Here is what you need to know about Dermaroller Benefits. Don’t we all just love a smooth skin?

Placing your hand on your face and feeling nothing but skin as flat and smooth as a pancake with no wrinkles.

This probably one of the best feelings ever.

I sometimes achieve this with natural remedies although it doesn’t work all the time.

Due to the counterfeit remedies found in stores and scarcity of the original remedies needed. 

You and I probably face the same problem with the sun not helping matters.

Acne, pimples, and a lot more contribute to the problem and a faster solution would most definitely make the face look better and fresher.

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A solution that doesn’t require you to go to a spa is cost-friendly, this is what is best in my opinion. 

Dermaroller Benefits

Straight into the review for today, I’ll be talking about Dermaroller benefits and Dermaroller 101, the do’s and don’ts, how to use and why you should use it.

You’re a busy person, you go to work or school as early as 8am and get back very late, even your weekends are booked.

You can’t go to a spa for a face wash or have time on your hands to search for original remedies or you operate on an average budget that doesn’t cover for face treatment.

The solution can be brought to your home. I possess all the answers to your problems and questions.

I will proceed by explaining what a Dermaroller and what dermarolling is (Dermaroller Benefits).

Also all the do’s and don’ts that come with it which will save your skin faster than expected.

Dermaroller Benefits

What is Derma Rolling – Dermaroller Benefits?

For starters (Dermaroller 101) Derma Rolling is a home procedure that helps to achieve clearer skin.

By stimulating collagen growth which plays a pivotal role in skin health and skin-strengthening through the help of tiny needles in pricking the face.

Do not be alarmed, the needles are very tiny and the process is painless as long as you don’t apply too much pressure when using the Derma Roller.

Dermaroller Benefits

The Derma Roller (Dermaroller Benefits) is a handheld tool with different needle sizes used in pricking the skin.

This helps to get rid of acne, scars, stretch marks, and more facial problems you can think of.

I know this process sounds painful; pricking yourself with multiple needles, but I can assure it is pain-free as they are micro-sized titanium needles.

The needles also come in different sizes.

I will proceed by explaining the different needle sizes and how to use them to keep you on the right track when using your Derma Roller and most importantly keep you safe to prevent injuries and worse facial problems. 

Dermaroller Needle Sizes – Dermaroller Benefits.

Dermaroller needles come in the various sizes ;

  • Needle Size 1.50mm.
  • Needle Size 1.00m.
  • Needle Size 0.75mm.
  • Needle Size 0.50mm.
  • Needle Size 0.25mm.
  • Needle Size 0.20mm.
Dermaroller Benefits

Dermaroller Needle Size 1.50mm – Dermaroller Benefits.

This is the biggest size of needle and can be used for stretch marks.

Be careful when using this size as it has more effects than any other needle. It’s also advisable to use this once every six weeks.

Dermaroller Needle Size 1.00mm – Dermaroller Benefits.

This needle size can serve multiple functions of skin concern such as deep wrinkles, shallow acne scars, stretch marks, and deep acne scars.

I advise using once a month.

Dermaroller Needle Size 0.75mm – Dermaroller Benefits.

This needle also has a multipurpose feature of skin problems such as hyperpigmentation, shallow acne scars, deep wrinkles, and wrinkles and is best used once every 3weeks.

Dermaroller Needle Size 0.50mm – Dermaroller Benefits.

This is used for healing large pores, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles. For this needle size, it is advisable to use once a week.

Dermaroller Needle Size 0.25mm – Dermaroller Benefits.

It’s used for serum penetration and large pores. It can be used every other day.

Dermaroller Needle Size 0.20mm – Dermaroller Benefits.

This is the smallest needle and has a single function of serum penetration which can be used as often as twice a week.

I suggest that a professional recommendation be given to you before you proceed to pick any needle of your choice.

Some needles cannot be used directly on the face but have specific areas to be used based on the sensitivity of the skin.

Needles smaller than 0.20mm will not efficiently stimulate collagen growth.

Before I proceed to the benefit and why you should use Derma Roller, you must know what to do before, during, and after derma rolling to help get a better result and not move in the wrong direction.

I will also be sharing the effects of derma rolling based on my experience. 

Dermaroller Benefits

What to do BEFORE you use the Dermaroller.

Before using the Derma Roller, make sure to pick the right needle for the right skin concern such as 2.00mm.

Most especially for acne, scars, and wrinkles, again, I’ll advise you to seek professional help with the needles.

I exfoliate a day or two before I use my derma roller to help get the dead skins off.

This makes the work of the derma roller easier as it pricks the pores directly.

Sanitize your derma Roller. Do this by using your 70% isopropyl alcohol, pour into a cup, and let your Derma Roller rest in it for 10-15mins.

Then air dry it for 5mins. While doing this, make sure your DermaRoller isn’t in contact with any form of dirt.

You want to make sure that the tiniest form of makeup is not on your skin.

Oil, cream, powder, dirt, and the likes must be completely off. Therefore, use lukewarm water to efficiently wash off any form of makeup.

Wash your hands also to get rid of bacteria. It is important to clean your face thoroughly to avoid infection. 

What to do DURING use of your Dermaroller.

Always make sure your skin is moist and hydrated during your dermarolling session.

Maintain a short movement when using your derma roller either vertically, diagonally, or horizontally.

Do not apply pressure! The roller is made to go in straight lines and any form of a curved pattern, so ensure you lift your roller when switching to different sections of your face.

Roll gently for about 3-5mins per session.

What to do AFTER use of your Dermaroller.

Clean your DermaRoller thoroughly after use. I soak mine in alcohol for about 5-10mins, I suggest you do the same.

Advisably, see your cosmetologist for creams or soap to use after using your dermaroller, as you know your skin best.

Note that you might feel a bit of discomfort and even a little bit of blood, but this is normal and is nothing to panic about.

If you feel your skin hasn’t healed up before your next session, then skip it. Healing is natural in dermarolling. 

Dermaroller Benefits

Dermaroller Benefits and Why You Should Use it.

Dermarolling is a positively impact technique, although it doesn’t immediately produce results it’s a gradual process of achieving smooth skin.

It is beneficial for the following skin challenges;

  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Sunburn.
  • Stretch marks.
  • Scars and Wrinkles.
  • Hair Loss.

Hyperpigmentation: The derma roller is a fast way to achieve hyperpigmentation.

By pricking the pores, the irregularities on your skin and uneven layers of skin are corrected easily. It, therefore, normalize pigment cells.

Sunburn: Excess sun damages the skin and darkens it.

By using a dermaroller, the needles when used to prick the pores stimulate collagen growth which helps in skin health.

Stretch marks: The stimulated collagen helps repair stretch marks. Although results are not immediate a difference is certain to occur.

Scars and Wrinkles: The stimulated collagen also helps to get rid of the non-uniformity of the skin.

Hair Loss: By using the Derma Roller on the scalp, the hormones required to help increase hair size is generated. 

Conclusion on Dermaroller Benefits.

Personally, after using the derma roller, I noticed the instantaneous brightening of my skin and my pores became smaller.

The only problem I faced was my first session and how it felt like I was scrubbing on a rough surface because I didn’t roll gently.

Overall, it is a good skin procedure for me because it feels like I’m going through a facial renovation.

It also helps with skin discoloration, skin tightening, acne scars, wrinkles, and a lot more.

What is your take on this Dermaroller Benefits review? Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comment section below.

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